Adult Bible Class
Meets year-round on Sunday morning at 8:45. We are currently studying the Book of Psalms. PDFs of the handouts are posted below:
Psalms of Lament (Psalms 13, 57, 25, 44, 90)
Handouts and other resources from our study of the History of the Old Testament:
Part 2: The Bible as an Historical Source suppl.: A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles (1973)
Part 6: The Exile and Post-Exilic Period
Believe, Teach, Confess
BTC focuses on different aspects of our Christian faith and life. It is open to children and adults, and takes place on Saturdays in the year from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Past presentations and handouts for the adult sessions are available below, and you can see recordings of previous BTCs here:
April 27, 2024: In Peace and Joy I Now Depart: Death, Dying and Funerals
November 5, 2022: The Lutheran Confessions
Sunday School
For children ages 3-12 is offered year-round.
Christian Wisdom
Our adult instruction class and is regularly held throughout the year for those who desire to become members of the congregation, or for those who are already members and desire a "refresher" course of basic instruction in the Christian Faith.
Catechism instruction
For youth preparing to receive Holy Communion is held during the school year on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5:00.